Sunday, May 24, 2020

Robin Williams Committed Suicide On August 11th 2014

1) Robin WIlliams committed suicide on August 11th 2014. I heard the news all over facebook and I was devastated because he was part of my childhood. He played the role as Peter Pan in the movie Hook and I loved it. I watched that movie more than once. Another favorite movie he starred in was What Dreams May Come as he played a role of a grieving husband who lost his wife to suicide. He played that role really well. Robin Williams character as a comedian made him seem like a happy person and people loved being around him. I believe he covered up his pain by making people laugh, but deep down inside he wasn t happy at all. My research on Robin Williams was heart breaking because I was able to figure out why he might have committed†¦show more content†¦Celebrities have the luxury to buy whatever they want and sometimes they spend it on drugs. What happens? they get addicted to drugs and get caught up in their luxurious lifestyle that they forget to appreciate the value of life. We know that Robin WIlliams was a celebrity icon and he had the fame and fortune. Robin Williams suicide reflects on the struggles of his everyday life. He struggled in, relationships with his family, substance abuse, his health, and career.. 2) Robin Williams was survived by his father Robert, a Ford Motor executive and mother Laurie, a former model. Robin was the only child and had a formal upbringing. Joan Rivers who was Robin s TV chat companion says, He came from an upper-middle class family, very educated, very well read, very knowledgeable about everything, about literature. Robin WIlliams parents were always absent and he was a lonely child. He had an enormous collection of toys and he was raised by their family maids. Believe it or not, Robin was shy and broke out of his shell when he joined the drama society in high school (paraphrase, Time). According to Rolling Stone magazine, Robin Williams was struggled in his marriages. He had two failed marriages and married to the third,

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